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Private Limited to OPC

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Convert a Private Limited Company to a One Person Company



By convert a private limited company to a One Person company, you can roll back the ownership of your company that you gave up!


In India, the share transferability of a private limited company is limited to 50 shareholders, and they are restricted from freely trading their shares with the general public. However, a One Person Company is run by a sole owner, with the added benefit of limited liability to the said owner and other shareholders. Sign up for our Conversion from Private to One Person Company Service today, so that your company can shed the restrictive cocoons of Private Company regulations and emerge as a new One Person Company. With our team working for you, you can focus on the impending transition, and acquiring funding for the same. Sign up today!

The distinction between Private and One Person Companies

One Person Companies exist as a halfway point between Sole Proprietorships and Private Limited Companies.

Private Limited CompanyOne Person Company
Minimum members-2Minimum members-1
Minimum Directors-2Minimum Directors-1
No requirement of appointing a nomineeA nominee must be appointed where there is only one member
Foreigners may become  members of a Private Limited CompanyNo Foreigners may become members of  One Person Companies


Required Documents For Convert Private LTD To One Person Company

The documents required in order to effect a change from a Private to a Public Company are –

  • Altered memorandum and articles of association.

  • Notice of Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) with the approval of Directors for the conversion of a Private Limited Company to One Person Company.

  • Special resolution for conversion of the company into a One Person Company.

  • Form MGT 14.

  • Form INC 6 – Application for the conversion of Private Limited to One Person Company.

  • Minutes of the Meeting where approval was given for conversion.

  • List of Members and Creditors.

  • NOC from Members and Creditors.

  • Affidavit by Directors.

  • Latest Audited B/S and P&L a/c.

Sign up for our service today, so that our experts can provide you with a complete list of all necessary documentation, and process your application for you!

Registration Process

Registration Procedure For Convert a Private Limited Company to a One Person Company

eStartIndia will help you to Convert a Private Limited Company to a One Person Company from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual.

Get a Free Consultation for Company conversion with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration.

Click here to read more about “Private Limited to Public Limited”

Step 1

You sign up for our Conversion from Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company service, and our financial & legal experts engage in consultations with you in order to collect the necessary information and work on the same

Step 2

Post consultations, our team shares a draft of required actions with you, preparing the necessary documentation such as the Board Resolutions

Step 3

Once the Resolutions are passed and all necessary documentation is compiled, our legal experts take care of the filing with the ROC


Only a natural person who is an Indian citizen and resident in India shall be eligible to act as a member and nominee of an OPC.


A person can be a member of only one OPC.


 Form INC-6 shall be filed within 30 days in case of voluntary conversion and within six months of mandatory conversion.


Where a natural person, being member in One Person Company becomes a member in another OPC by virtue of his being a nominee in that OPC, then such person shall meet the eligibility criteria of being a member in only one OPC within a period of one hundred and eighty days, i.e., he/she shall withdraw his membership from either of the OPCs within one hundred and eighty days.

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