Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Share Purchase Agreement A legal document that lays down the conditions of purchase of shares by a buyer is called a share purchase agreement. It is an agreement made between the seller and buyer of shares. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that clarity is brought to the terms and condition of the sale/transfer of the share which is subject to mutual consent of the parties. eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expert legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to all kinds of agreements, legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services. eStartIndia will help you to draft a share purchase agreement from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation for a share purchase agreement with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. WHY CHOOSE eStartIndia? This organization comprises of expert legal professionals, who use their expertise will draft your share purchase agreement that shall cover all the legal requirements and needs of the parties. The experience and the knowledge that our professionals hold can help you in including clauses in the agreement that shall effectively bring clarity to the terms and conditions of sale which will avoid the scope of disputes in future. ADVANTAGES OF SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT IMPROVES CLARITY: The agreement involves a detailed description of the procedure and conditions of the sale which will avoid disputes in the future. GUARDS THE PARTIES: The parties express their will, rights, and duties in an agreement which reduces the scope of disputes between the parties in the future. PROOF: It acts as evidence that expresses the duties and rights which the parties have agreed on. SCOPE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: Agreement involves clauses that state the compliance with any confidentiality that the parties may prescribe in their contract. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: The ownership rights and usage rights of trademark or trade name (if any) after the sale of shares will be really mentioned in the agreement. ​​​​​​​ Click here to read more about the “Shareholder Agreement”. CONTENTS Name and details of parties. Date of the agreement. Purpose of the agreement. Definitions of terms to bring clarity. Authority to sell. Number and type of shares transferred. Allocation of shares. Valuation. Price of shares. Time, mode and location of delivery of shares. List of rights connected to the share which is transferred (including rights and liabilities during insolvency of the company). List of related agreements. Government approvals. Penalties and remedy for non-compliance. Other rights and duties of parties. Intellectual property rights (if any). Warranties and guarantees. Tax claims and tax demand related to shares sold. Insurance provisions. Dispute resolution. Other terms and conditions. Signatures of parties. FAQs What is a share purchase agreement? It is an agreement made between the seller of shares and buyer of shares listing all the terms and conditions is called share purchase agreement. Why is share purchase agreement important? It addresses many key issues that the buyer may face in the future and brings clarity to what, when and how the parties must act which will allow smooth management of the company and sale of shares. What does a shareholders agreement include? The agreement includes every procedure, rights, liabilities, and conditions the parties must comply related to the sale of the shares. Related Services Share Purchase Agreement Read More Relinquishment Deed Read More Lease Deed Read More Rent Agreement Read More Load More
Relinquishment Deed
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Relinquishment Deed RELINQUISHMENT DEED FORMAT This deed of RELINQUISHMENT is executed on ________ day of ______________ month of _____________ year by Sri./Smt.__________________________, S/o./ W/o.____________________________, occupation____________________, and aged __________ years, residing at_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________(herein after called the RELEASER) In favour of Sri./Smt.__________________________S/o./W/o._________________________, occupation____________________, aged __________ years, residing at_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (Herein referred to as the RELEASEE) Whereas, the term Releaser and Releasee shall mean and include their representative’s heirs, successors, executors, administrators, trustees, legal representatives and assigns. Whereas, the releaser and releasee herein, jointly own the property [DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY] Whereas, the releaser has a share of [mention share] and release has [mention share] and acquired the property, by [means of acquiring] and [description about possession] [taxing terms]. Whereas the Releaser is related to the Releasee as [state relationship]. Whereas the Releaser has decided to release his/her share in the said property to the releasee as gift in [mention consideration if any]. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that The releasers/Executors out of affection and natural love and without consideration, hereby relinquish the property situated at ___________________________together with all the things permanently attached to the property or standing thereon and all the liberties, privileges, easements and advantages appurtenant thereto and all the estates, rights, title, interest, use, inheritance, possession, benefits, claims and demand of the Releaser TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the use of the Releasee absolutely but subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, assessments, dues and duties now and here after chargeable thereon to the Government or local authorities. SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY All the piece and parcel of immovable property Bearing No.____________ Measuring _______________ Bounded by:- On the East : On the West : On the South : On the North : Market value of the property gifted under this deed is Rs._____________ (Rupees____________________________________only). The Stamp duty is paid on the market value as computed above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Releaser as well as the Releasee (by way of relinquishment) have committed the terms on day and year first herein above written. (Executants/Releasers) Witnesses:1 Witness: 2 Name: Name: Address: Address: Signature: Signature: kktaxationllp RELINQUISHMENT DEED A Relinquishment deed is a legal document or formal process of releasing a legal heir’s right in an inherited property for another legal heir. When a property is owned together by two or more people especially through inheritance, one the party may release ownership right over the property in favor of another with or without consideration. The legal document that is created by a release in favor of a release for the purpose of realizing the former’s share of the property to the latter. eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expert legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to all kinds of deeds, agreements, legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services. eStartIndia will help you to draft a Relinquishment Deed from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored as per the requirements. Get a Free Consultation for Relinquishment Deed with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. WHY CHOOSE eStartIndia?This organization comprises of expert legal professionals, who use their expertise will draft your Relinquishment Deed that shall cover all the legal requirements and needs of the parties. The experience and the knowledge that our professionals hold can help you in including clauses in your deed that shall effectively describe the relationship between the parties and property as well as avoid confusions or difficulties in the future. IMPORTANT ELEMENTS OF THE RELINQUISHMENT DEED • Legal Document- It is a legal instrument which an heir can leverage to transfer his legal right of inherited property to another person. • Irrevocable- A deed cannot be canceled even if the deed was made in error. • Must be in writing- For relinquishment of immovable property, it is necessary to be done through a written document and signed by the parties along with the presence of at least two witnesses. • Relinquishment deed must be registered: It is mandatory that a deed must be registered under Section 17 of the 1908 Registration Act. The registration must be done at the office of the Sub- Registrar as per the jurisdiction of the property. • Easy Process- The process of registering a deed is very simple and easy. • Legal Document- It is a legal instrument which an heir can leverage to transfer his legal right of inherited property to another person. • Irrevocable- A deed cannot be canceled even if the deed was made in error. • Must be in writing- For relinquishment of immovable property, it is necessary to be done through a written document and signed by the parties along with the presence of at least two witnesses. • Relinquishment deed must be registered: It is mandatory that a deed must be registered under Section 17 of the 1908 Registration Act. The registration must be done at the office of the Sub- Registrar as per the jurisdiction of the property. • Easy Process- The process of registering a deed is very simple and easy. CONTENTS OF THE RELINQUISHMENT DEED The following contents should be included in a Relinquishment Deed: • Introduction of the title –In a deed, it must have an introduction with the words “Relinquishment Deed or deed of Relinquishment” along with the date of creation. • Stating the Releasors (Executants)- At the time of the drafting, it is important to state the Releasors or Executants. The Releasors is the person who makes the deed of relinquishment along with full details such as full name, address, husband or wife’s name should be mentioned. Executant is the direct legal heir to the inherited property. • Stating the Releasee- The Releasee is the beneficiary person of a Releasor’s rights, share, titles. At the time of the drafting the deed of relinquishment, it is important to state the entire details of releases
Lease Deed
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Lease Deed The tenant and the owner enter into Lease Deed prescribing the terms and conditions both parties ought to follow in the process of letting out the property for commercial usage. The term of the rental agreement for commercial use exceeds 12 months, and the law governing rental agreement for residential purpose and commercial purpose is separate in the Indian legal system. eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expert legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to Commercial rental agreement, master service agreement, consultancy agreement, legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services. Get a Free Consultation for Lease Deed with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. Why Choose eStartIndia For Lease Deed? This organization comprises of expert legal professionals, who use their expertise will draft a deed of lease that shall cover all the legal requirements and needs of the parties. The experience and the knowledge that our professionals hold can help you in including clauses in your agreement that shall effectively describe the relationship between the parties as well as avoid confusion or difficulties in the future. ADVANTAGES OF LEASE DEED LEGAL BINDING: The parties will be legally bound to follow the condition agreed by them to the user as prescribed in the Deed of lease. And therefore can sue each other for non-compliance. IMPROVES RELIABILITY AND RESPONSIVENESS: The parties build more trust in each other which improves reliability. And more clarity will be created on who, what, when the actions have to take place. EVIDENCE: The deed of lease made is evidence to prove the terms and conditions agreed by the parties. CONTENTS Name and details of the parties. A description of the property. A description of commercial usage. Electricity and other Charges. Repair and Maintenance. Redressal mechanisms and remedy available. Circumstances where immediate vacating can be notified by the owner. The rental amount and Security Deposit. Payment mode and terms. Signature of both the parties. Registration Process The Lease deed is created by the tenant and landlord in a Non-Judicial Stamp paper and the value of stamp paper is subject to the value of the property and the concerned state laws. The terms and conditions will be set down in the deed of lease and this shall be signed by both the parties and a copy of the deed will be kept by each of them. Step 1 You sign up for our Employee stock option plan Services, and we put you in touch with our business, financial and legal experts, who engage you in consultations in order to understand your needs Step 2 Post consultations, our team prepares an advisory recommending the documentation and steps required for implementing a plan that you find attractive Step 3 Once a plan is mapped out, our team of experts are left with the worries of managing the implementation of the ESOP, while you are left free to manage your team. Sign up now! FAQs How to prepare a deed of lease? Collect a Non-Judicial Stamp paper for a certain value as per State law and list down the party’s details, property, details and other terms, and conditions. Get it signed by both the parties in order to execute it. Why is it important to prepare a Deed of lease? Any written agreement is more authentic and legally binding than oral agreements. The parties shall be more reliable to each other and when the agreement is in the written format it acts as evidence. What is the term of a commercial rental agreement ? The commercial rental agreement in India is made for a term exceeding 12 months. What is a difference between residential rental agreement and commercial rental agreement ? The difference can be spotted through the term of their agreement. The residential rental agreement is made more a term of 11 months whereas the commercial rental agreement is made for a term more than 12 months. And the law governing these agreements are separate and is under the state enacted laws. Related Services Lease Deed Read More Rent Agreement Read More Sale Deed Read More MOA/AOA Amendment Read More Load More
Rent Agreement
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Sale Deed RENTAL AGREEMENT FORMAT This Rent Agreement (here in after termed as “Agreement”) is made and entered into this [date] (here in after termed as “Said Date”) by and between [name] with its principal place of business located at [address] (the “Landlord”) and [name] with its principal place of business located at [name] (the “Tenant”)(collectively as “Parties”). WHEREAS, the landlord is the lawful owner of the property located at [address], [description of house]. WHEREAS, the landlord had decided to rent out the said property to the tenant by [date of transferring possession] WHEREAS, the agreement shall be effective from [date] hereinafter termed as “effective date”. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The tenant has to pay the rent amount of [amount] by __th day of every month through [mode of payment] and [bank account details] 2. The tenant has to pay a refundable amount of [amount] by [last date of payment] as security. 3. The tenant has to give a notice one month prior to vacating the house. 4. The agreement shall be valid for 11 months from the date of effective date. 4. [Any other terms or conditions] Signed for and on behalf of Signed for and on behalf of [insert name of landlord] [insert name of tenant] By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: kktaxationllp The tenant and the owner enter into an agreement prescribing the terms and conditions both parties ought to follow in the process of lending out the house for rent. The term of a Rent Agreement in India is up to 11 months, and this term is created as a guard against the rent laws in India. eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expert legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services. eStartIndia will help you to draft a Rent Agreement from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored as per the requirements. Get a Free Consultation for the agreement of rent with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. Why Choose eStartIndia For Rent Agreement? This organization comprises expert legal professionals, who use their expertise will draft an agreement of rent that shall cover all the legal requirements and needs of the parties. The experience and the knowledge that our professionals hold can help you in including clauses in your agreement that shall effectively describe the relationship between the parties as well as avoid confusion or difficulties in the future. ADVANTAGES OF RENT AGREEMENT LEGAL BINDING: The parties will be legally bound to follow the condition agreed by them to the user as prescribed in the agreement and therefore can sue each other for non-compliance. IMPROVES RELIABILITY AND RESPONSIVENESS: The parties build more trust in each other which improves reliability and more clarity will be created on who, what, when the actions have to take place. EVIDENCE: The agreement made is evidence to prove the terms and conditions agreed by the parties. CONTENTS Name and details of parties. A description of the property. Term of agreement. Procedures for reporting grievances. Redressal mechanisms and remedy available. Circumstances where immediate vacating can be notified by the owner. Rent amount and advance amount. Signature of both parties. Click here to read more about “Lease Deed” Registration Process Process of Rent Agreement The Rent Agreement is created by the tenant and landlord in a Non-Judicial Stamp paper worth Rs.100 or more. The terms and conditions will be set down regarding property and this shall be signed by both parties and a copy of the agreement will be possessed by each of them. Step 1 You sign up for our Employee stock option plan Services, and we put you in touch with our business, financial and legal experts, who engage you in consultations in order to understand your needs Step 2 Post consultations, our team prepares an advisory recommending the documentation and steps required for implementing a plan that you find attractive Step 3 Once a plan is mapped out, our team of experts are left with the worries of managing the implementation of the ESOP, while you are left free to manage your team. Sign up now! FAQs How to prepare a agreement of rent? Collect a Non-judicial Stamp paper for a value of Rs.100 or more and list down the party’s details, property, details and other terms, and conditions. Get it signed by both the parties in order to execute the agreement. Why is it important to prepare a agreement of rent? Any written down agreement is more authentic and legally binding than oral agreements. The parties shall be more reliable to each other when the agreement is in written format as it acts as evidence. What is the term of a agreement of rent? The agreement of rent in India is generally created for 11 months to comply with the legal requirements of law relating to rent in India. Related Services Rent Agreement Read More Sale Deed Read More MOA/AOA Amendment Read More Share Transfer Read More Load More
Sale Deed
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Sale Deed SALE DEED FORMAT This deed of Sale is executed on ________ day of ______________ month of _____________ year by Sri./Smt.__________________________, S/o./ W/o.____________________________, occupation____________________, and aged __________ years, residing at_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________(herein after called the SELLER) In favour of Sri./Smt.__________________________S/o./W/o._________________________, occupation____________________, aged __________ years, residing at_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (Herein referred to as the BUYER) Whereas, the term Seller and Buyer shall mean and include their representative’s heirs, successors, executors, administrators, trustees, legal representatives and assigns. Whereas, the Seller herein, is the sole and absolute owner of immovable property [DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY] Whereas, the Seller is the absolute owner, having acquired the property, by [means of acquiring] and [description about possession] [taxing terms]. Whereas the Seller has decided to sell the said property to the buyer as gift in consideration of an amount [state amount]. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that the Seller, on payment of [amount] as consideration made by Buyer hereby sell the property situated at ___________________________together with all the things permanently attached to the property or standing thereon and all the liberties, privileges, easements and advantages appurtenant thereto and all the estates, rights, title, interest, use, inheritance, possession, benefits, claims and demand of the Seller TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the use of the Buyer absolutely but subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, assessments, dues and duties now and here after chargeable thereon to the Government or local authorities. Whereas the Seller hereby agree with the Buyer the following; (a) The Seller has the absolute ownership in the property. (b) The Buyer is entitled to take the possession of the property and enjoy it. (c) The Seller and his legal heirs has absolutely transferred every interest in the property and shall allow the peaceful possession of buyer in the said property. (d) An amount of [amount] is paid as the stamp duty for the purpose of purchase by [who paid stamp duty] on [date of payment] (e) [Mention any tax claims if any and its details] SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY All the piece and parcel of immovable property Bearing No.____________ Measuring _______________ Bounded by: – On the East: On the West: On the South: On the North: Market value of the property gifted under this deed is Rs. _____________ (Rupees____________________________________only). The Stamp duty is paid on the market value as computed above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the seller as well as the buyer have jointly agreed to the terms of this sale on the date mentioned above. WITNESS 1: WITNESS 2: SELLER BUYER eStartIndia A sale deed is created by the parties to the sale of a property to finalize the purchase agreement as a part of possession being transferred to the buyer. The sale agreement is made with the objective of laying down all the term and conditions to be followed in processing the sale while a deed of sale is a document created to execute the final purchasing. eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expert legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to a deed of sale, gift deed, will, legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services. Get a Free consultation for Sale deed with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. WHY CHOOSE eStartIndia for Sale Deed Format? This organization comprises of expert legal professionals, who use their expertise will draft your deed of sale shall cover all the legal requirements and needs of the parties. The experience and the knowledge that our professionals hold can help you in including clauses in your deed that shall effectively describe the relationship between the parties and property as well as avoid confusions or difficulties in the future. Moreover, our assistance shall follow you at the processing of registration as well. ADVANTAGES OF SALE DEED FORMAT Avoid fraud: – the registration of a deed sales allows the authorities to keep a check on the fraudulent transaction of properties. Creates evidence: – the registration document has an evidentiary value that would prove the title of the document before any court of law. Establishes title: – the title of the property will be established properly. Easy taxation: – the amount cost involved in the transfer of property can be accurately determined which allows the process of taxation much easier. CONTENTS OF SALE DEED FORMAT NAME AND DETAILS OF PARTIES. PAN NUMBER OF BUYER AND SELLER. PHOTOGRAPH OF PARTIES. TAX LIABILITY. CONSIDERATION. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. FREE FROM ENCUMBRANCES. ABSOLUTE/PARTIAL RIGHT. PAYMENT OF STAMP DUTIES AND REGISTRATION FEE DETAILS. NAME OF PERSON PAYING STAMP DUTY. INDEMNITY. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. GOVERNING LAW. DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY. TWO WITNESSES DETAILS. SIGNATURE OF PARTIES AND WITNESSES. Registration Process 1. DRAFTING: The deed of sale has to be drafted with the help of legal professionals who knows to incorporate every valid detail. The deed contains information like who sell the property to whom, the description of the property, date of transfer, etc. 2. APPLICATION TO SUB-REGISTRAR: The parties must apply to sub-registrar to register the deed of sale and most registration offices will provide a token to appear on a certain date and time. 3. APPEARANCE: The parties to the sale along with two witnesses and ID cards must appear before the registrar for verification. 4. VERIFICATION: The registrar will verify the deed of sale and the requirement of stamp duties and registration fee. In case the stamp duty is not sufficiently paid the registrar can reject the registration of the deed. 3. REGISTRATION: The registered deed will be issued within a few days and the time is taken and procedure to issue the deed will vary depending on the jurisdiction of the office. Step 1 You sign up for our Employee stock option plan Services, and we put you in touch with our business, financial and legal experts, who engage you in consultations in order to understand your needs Step 2 Post consultations, our team prepares an advisory
Gift Deed
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Gift Deed GIFT DEED FORMAT This deed of Gift is executed on ________ day of ______________ month of _____________ year by Sri./Smt.__________________________, S/o./ W/o.____________________________, occupation____________________, and aged __________ years, residing at_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________(herein after called the DONOR) IN FAVOUR OF Sri./Smt.__________________________S/o./W/o._________________________, occupation____________________, aged __________ years, residing at_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (Herein referred to as the DONEE) Whereas, the term Donor and Donee shall mean and include their representative’s heirs, successors, executors, administrators, trustees, legal representatives and assigns. Whereas, the Donor herein, is the sole and absolute owner of immovable property [DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY] Whereas, the Donor is the absolute owner, having acquired the property, by [means of acquiring] and [description about possession] [taxing terms]. Whereas the Donee is related to the Donor as [state relationship]. Whereas the Donor has decided to gift the said property to the donee as gift in consideration of love and affection. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that the Donor, with love and affection being the consideration hereby gift the property situated at ___________________________together with all the things permanently attached to the property or standing thereon and all the liberties, privileges, easements and advantages appurtenant thereto and all the estates, rights, title, interest, use, inheritance, possession, benefits, claims and demand of the Donor TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the use of the Donee absolutely but subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, assessments, dues and duties now and here after chargeable thereon to the Government or local authorities. Whereas the Donor hereby agree with the Donee the following; (a) The Doner has the absolute ownership in the property. (b) The Donee is entitled to take the possession of the property and enjoy it. (c) The Donor and his legal heirs has absolutely transferred every interest in the property and shall allow the peaceful possession of Donee in the said property. SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY All the piece and parcel of immovable property Bearing No.____________ Measuring _______________ Bounded by:- On the East : On the West : On the South : On the North : Market value of the property gifted under this deed is Rs._____________ (Rupees________________________________ only). The Stamp duty is paid on the market value as computed above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Donor as well as the Donee (by way of acceptance of the said gift) have put their respective hands the day and year first herein above written. WITNESSES: 1. DONOR 2. DONEE kktaxationllp Giving and receiving a gift is considered as a way of expressing love and it is enjoyed by both the parties. But in order to make a gift of a property valid, the donor of the gift has to create a Gift Deed which should be duly signed by him/her and attested by 2 witnesses. In the case of immovable property, the Gift Deed has to be mandatorily registered so as to transfer the ownership to the donee. eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expert legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to all kinds of deeds, contracts, Agreements, legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services. Get a free Consultation for Gift Deed with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. Why Choose eStartIndia? This organization comprises of expert legal professionals, who use their expertise will draft your Gift Deed shall cover all the legal requirements and needs of the parties. The experience and the knowledge that our professionals hold can help you in including clauses in your deed that shall effectively describe the relationship between the parties and property as well as avoid confusions or difficulties in the future. ADVANTAGES OF GIFT DEED LEGALLY BINDING: Once the Gift Deed is executed and accepted by the donee it becomes legally binding on both the parties. PROOF OF TITLE: The deed acts as evidence that proves the title of the property gifted. CONDITIONS The property must an existing movable or immovable property. It should be transferable. It should not be a property that exists in the future. It has to be tangible property. Registration Process 1. DRAFTING: The Gift Deed has to be drafted with the help of a legal professional who knows to incorporate every valid detail. The deed must contain information pertaining to who gifts the property to whom, the description of the property, date of transfer, etc. 2. ACCEPTANCE: In case of gifting the process becomes valid only on the acceptance donee. The donee has to accept the gift during the lifetime of the donor else the gift becomes invalid. 3. REGISTRATION: According to Section 123 of Transfer of Property Act states that all deed of gift immovable property must be registered to make the transaction valid FAQs Is registering a deed of gift is mandatory ? Yes, a deed which indents to gift an immovable property must be mandatorily registered as per Section 123 of the Transfer of Property Act. Which law governs did apply on deed of gift? Transfer of Property Act Why is it important to make a deed of gift? It is important to create a deed of the gift due to the following reasons:- LEGALLY BINDING: Once the gift deed is executed and accepted by the done, it becomes legally binding on both the parties. PROOF OF TITLE: The deed act evidence that proves the title of the property gifted. TAX-FREE: The gifts made to relatives defined by the Income Tax Act are exempt from tax in the hands of the donee. What are the conditions involved in transferring a property as gift ? The property must an existing movable or immovable property. It should be transferable It should not be a property that exists in the future It has to be a tangible property Related Services Divorce with mutual consent Read More Agency Agreement Read More Account Opening Resolution Read More Partnership Deed Read More Load More