Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Trademark Objection Does your trademark registry status show the word “Objected”? Trademark is a unique mark, symbol or label that distinguishes your product from those of your competitors helping in its easy identification. If your status in the trademark registry shows that it is “objected”, it means that the registrar finds the mark you selected in the application filed is not eligible for being registered. The registrar can object the registration of your trademark on the grounds stated in Section 9 and Section 11 of the Trademarks Act 1999. And a reply can be filed by the applicant within one month from the date of receipt of Examination Report before the registrar to reconsider the application for registration. Filing an effective, well-framed objection to justify the reasons for objection will be satisfactory and the registrar becomes more likely to allow the registration of your trademark. eStartIndia comprises of best professionals who would help you in filing an effective reply for Trademark Objection before the Registrar. We also provide for trademark registration, trademark objection, trademark assignment, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, and trademark rectification. eStartIndia will help you with all Trademark registration and other connected services from the comfort of your home by offering you services that are very specialized and tailored as per your requirements. Get a Free Consultation for any Trademark objection with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. Why choose eStartIndia? We are a team of competent professionals in this field and we offer you the best services like IDENTIFYING REASON AND DEVELOP STRATEGY: – We identify the reason for the rejection of your application and the concerns of the Examiner. After a discussion with the client, our professionals will develop a strategy that will defend the grounds for objection. FILE REPLY: – A reply that addresses all the issues raised in the objection will be drafted and filed before the registrar after obtaining your consent. TRACKING: – We don’t end our service there!!!. We keep a check on all the developments in the objection filed from time to time which reduces the burden of the client from missing out any direction. NOW KEEP THIS IN MIND:- The argument for each reason for objection will be different. Only quality and professionally drafted reply for objection can cure the issue. If an objection is filed under Section 9 for the mark is not distinctive or indicating the quality, quantity and the nature of good, then in order to overcome the hurdle, it must be shown that mark was obtained inherently or out of continued usage. And in the case where the objection is raised in accordance to Section 11 for being similar or identical to any pre-existing mark then proofs shall be produced to show how distinctive the mark is from others or establish the extensive usage of this mark by the applicant. WHAT MUST BE INCLUDED IN YOUR REPLY? A brief and specific answer to the objection. Relevant case laws to support your objection. To prove the extensive usage of the mark, the applicant must produce a USER AFFIDAVIT. Other evidence supporting the inherent usage of the mark and establish distinctiveness. Click here to read more about “Trademark Assignment” Registration Process PROCESS OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION eStartIndia will help you in Trademark Registration from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation for Trademark Registration with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. In this era of advanced technologies, the registration of a trademark can be done both online and offline and is dealt with under Chapter III of the Trademark Act 1999. The process of registering the trademark has become less tedious when done through online following the steps listed down:- TRADEMARK SEARCH:- A trademark search will be conducted by eStartIndia to check whether your selected mark is available and in case of unavailability, we will assist you in creating a distinctive mark that is accessible. SELECTION OF CLASS:-The trademark registry has classified the goods and services under 45 classes and the applicant must select a class under which its products/service shall fall in order to register the trademark. PREPARATION OF APPLICATION:- Registration can be done by filling the application for Trademark Registration which shall contain the details regarding all relevant details of your business, logo, name, slogan, etc. under which you are intending to register the trademark. eStartIndia will prepare your application with the assistance of the information and documents submitted. FILING OF APPLICATION: – Once the application is prepared and signed, eStartIndia will file the application before the Trademark Registrar. Then the applicant will be awarded the TM number that will allow the applicant to track their application and use the ™ symbol for your products. VIENNA CODIFICATION: – The next step is to affix the Vienna classification to adhere to the provisions of the Vienna Agreement 1973. And the application status at this stage will be reflected as “sent for Vienna codification”. EXAMINATION AND APPEAL: – After the completion of Vienna codification the application will be examined by the Trademark Officer, where the officer has the discretion to object or accept the application. In case the application is rejected the applicant has the right to file his objections before the officer and in case of further dissatisfaction, the applicant can approach the Intellectual Property Appellate Board. The assistance for filing an objection and other related procedures is also offered by eStartIndia. PUBLISHING OF APPLICATION:- The application is accepted by the officer becomes eligible to be published in the Trademark Journal where it acts as an advertisement for the public to raise an objection against the said Trademark Registration within 90 days from the date of such publishing. And in case of genuine objections raised within the said period, the matter will be put to hearing before the Trademark Hearing Officer. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE: – When no objections are raised or if the objections are raised didn’t stand after hearing then a Trademark manuscript and Trademark Registration certificate will be sent to the applicant that shall grant the applicant with the exclusive rights of trademark
Trademark Registration
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Trademark Registration THE CONCEPT OF “TRADEMARK REGISTRATION” A trademark that is otherwise cited as “mark” can be explained as a unique indicator, symbol, graphic design, word, emblem, color combination, the shape of packaging, or signature, which has a legal recognition that distinguishes a product or service from its competitors. A trademark can be used either by an individual, firm, or business entity. Even smell and sound can be trademarked in some cases. The Trademark Registration is exercised by “Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry”, Government of India and the process is governed by the “Trademark Act 1999”. The Trademark Registration is categorized under different classes that are selected by the applicant. Once the mark is registered the applicant will be allotted with TM number which allows to track your application and also be authorized to use the ™ symbol for the products registered under a particular class and on successful completion of Trademark Registration® symbol can be used for the product. And the Trademark Registration will be valid for 10 years which can be renewed thereafter. To ensure a unique and attractive trademark for a business, you must establish a connection between your product and the mark that easily catches the attention but different from other existing trademarks used by competitors. eStartIndia is the best IPR services platform for services relating to Trademark Registration in India, offering a variety of registration services like Trademark Registration, Trademark Objection, Trademark Renewal, Trademark Assignment, Trademark Opposition and Trademark Rectification. eStartIndia will help you in Trademark Registration from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation for Trademark Registration with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. WHY TRADEMARK REGISTRATION IS IMPORTANT? EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS: – Ensures exclusive rights for the owner of Trademark to use the same trademark for all the products falling under the class(es) registered and avoid usages of the same mark by the adversaries. STRONG LEGAL GUARD: – Extends legal protection from infringement of the owner’s rights from the deceptive use of the trademark by competitors. BUILDS GOODWILL AND FAITH: – The mark will act as an indicator of the quality of the product as it has legal recognition. UNIQUE IDENTITY: – It allows consumers to identify the product offered by the owner. VALIDITY: – The registration assures protection of the mark for 10 years at a very low maintenance cost. IMPROVES MARKETABILITY: – Trademark which is registered acts as an intangible asset to the organization which can be sold, franchised, or commercially contracted. GLOBAL TRADEMARK REGISTRATION FILING: – Global Trademark Registration is another highlight of registering the trademark as the registration of the mark done in India can be used as a basis for registering the mark at any other country. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR TRADEMARK REGISTRATION 1. APPLICANT’S IDENTITY PROOF The applicant must produce proofs such as passport, Aadhaar card, driving license, voters ID or ration card. 2. PROOF OF BUSINESS Where the applicant is a corporate entity, then documents like Partnership Deed, Registration Certificate or Incorporation Certificate must be submitted. 3. FORM TM 48 Form TM 48 of the Trademarks Act 1999 is a form to authorize an agent/attorney to file an application for Trademark registration on behalf of the applicant. The form must be duly filled, dated and signed for submission by the applicant. 4. LOGO WITH TAG LINE The logo to be trademarked which is designed by the applicant must be submitted most preferably in black and white format. But in case the application trademark is made only for a word the logo submission is not mandatory. The applicant must be vigilant in ensuring that the words mentioned in the application must match with the words contained in the logo. 5. USER AFFIDAVIT When a claim of prior usage is made in the application, the submission of user affidavit is made mandatory. ELIGIBILITY OF APPLICANT FOR TRADEMARK REGISTRATION An individual, firm, or business entity is eligible to apply for registration. The person applying for the Trademark Registration must be the proprietor of the goods and services provided. And the registration shall be done at the Trademark Registry located within the jurisdiction of the principal office of the proprietor and at a situation where the principal office is located outside India then the application shall be filed in the jurisdiction where the services are provided in India. REQUIREMENTS FOR AN IDEAL TRADEMARK REGISTRATION By considering the following points you can create an eye-catching unique trademark that can serve the purpose of Trademark Registration. The mark should be capable of being expressed graphically i.e in the paper form. It must be distinguishable from those marks used by the owners of similar goods and services. The mark should indicate a connection with goods and services involved in the trade or business. It should not deceive the public or cause confusion, hurt religious sentiments, be scandalous and obscene or be prohibited under Emblems & Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act 1950. Registration Process PROCESS OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION eStartIndia will help you in Trademark Registration from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation for Trademark Registration with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. In this era of advanced technologies, the registration of a trademark can be done both online and offline and is dealt with under Chapter III of the Trademark Act 1999. The process of registering the trademark has become less tedious when done through online following the steps listed down:- TRADEMARK SEARCH:- A trademark search will be conducted by eStartIndia to check whether your selected mark is available and in case of unavailability, we will assist you in creating a distinctive mark that is accessible. SELECTION OF CLASS:-The trademark registry has classified the goods and services under 45 classes and the applicant must select a class under which its products/service shall fall in order to register the trademark. PREPARATION OF APPLICATION:- Registration can be done by filling the application for Trademark Registration which shall contain the details regarding all relevant details of your business, logo, name, slogan, etc. under which you are intending to register the trademark. eStartIndia will prepare your application with
Income Tax Notice
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Income Tax Notice Income Tax Notice Have you received Income Tax Notice from Income Tax Department recently? Don’t Panic, Don’t Carefree- Get an Advice from experienced Tax Experts with a simple sign up with us! Income Tax Notice is a kind of notice sent by the Income Tax Department for various reasons like not filing your income tax return, errors in an income tax return, high-value transactions, deficiency in returns. eStartIndia is the best business and legal services platform for services relating to Income Tax Notice reply, offering a variety of Tax filing services like Income tax returns, PF, TDS, and ESI returns. eStartIndia will help you to draft your income tax notice reply from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation with our Top rated Tax experts with a simple registration. Types of Income Tax Notice Notice u/s 143(1)- Intimation Notice – This notice comes regarding errors/incorrect claims/inconsistencies in income tax returns filed. The reply to this notice must be submitted within 15 days. Notice u/s 142(1)- Inquiry Notice- This notice serves regarding necessary additional documents required by the income tax department for processing filed an income tax return. Notice u/s 143(2)- Scrutiny Notice- This notice is sent after notice u/s 142(1) when Tax officers were not satisfied with the received documents or have not received yet. Notice u/s 148- Income escaping assessment Notice- If the assessing officer has reason to believe that you have not disclosed your income correctly. Then, The assessing officer serve a notice to the assessee asking him to furnish his return of income Notice u/s 156- Demand Notice- This demand notice serves when any tax, interest, penalty or any other sum is payable in the consequences of any order passed. Notice u/s 139(9)- Defective Return Notice- if the Income-tax return filed by you is defective, confirmed by AO then, The AO serves a notice to rectify his return within 15 days from the date of such intimation. Notice u/s 245- Set off refunds against tax remaining payable- this notice served by AO intimating the effects of the adjustments made with the amount due to the assessee. What to do when you receive an Income Tax Notice? An encounter with the Income Tax Department is usually dealt with stress because most of the people are unable to understand what it actually entails. It is always advisable to keep calm and read the communication with due diligence. It is important to respond to an Income Tax notice as is done with any legal notice. The following are the points to be kept in mind in case of receipt of an Income Tax notice. Don’t panic, don’t be carefree: In case an assessee encounters a notice, he/she should not panic and calmly try to understand what it entails and what is it asking for. Also, it is equally important to not be carefree and ignorant as it may lead to heavy fines and penalties. Check the basics: It is important to verify the essentials mentioned in the notice as sometimes it may not be in your name and you may not be the right person to receive it. The basics to be checked are: Is it really in your name? Is the PAN number correctly mentioned? Which assessment year is it meant for? Details of the AO (Assessing Officer)? Document Identification Number? Date of issue of the notice? Date of receipt of notice? Figure out the discrepancy: It is important to patiently read and understand the problem and figure out the reason for the issuance of such notice. It may be sometimes difficult to understand a notice. In that case, the individual is required to consult an expert. Verify the validity: In order to make sure that the notice issued stands valid, it is necessary to examine the validity of the notice, time of its issuance, relevant assessment year and the section under which it is issued. Any notice which is issued after the time limit specified for assessment stands invalid, but it should be noted that any case can be re-investigated u/s 147 up to 4-6 years after the relevant assessment year has ended. Preparing for reply: The assesses shall gather all the documents asked to be furnished. How eStartIndia helps you to Income Tax Notice Reply: eStartIndia will help you to draft your income tax notice reply from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation with our Top rated Tax experts with a simple registration. Registration Process eStartIndia will help you in Cancel GST Registration from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Document Collection- eStartIndia Tax experts will collect relevant documents and information from you. Prepare your application- On the basis of documents and information provided, We will prepare cancellation application. Filing your application- when the application is prepared and approved by you, Our Tax experts will submit your GST registration cancellation application to the GST Department with necessary documents and details of the authorized signatory. Generate ARN- Once the application is submitted along with supporting documents, the ARN number would be allotted by the GST department. Our tax experts will track your completion of cancellation with the help of ARN number. Congratulations! Your work is done. Click here to know more about “GST registration For Foreigners” Step 1 Firstly, dully fill in the application, which is required to be submitted towards the exemption section of the Income Tax Department. Step 2 Then the NGO would receive notice for clarifications from the Income Tax Department in 2-3 months after applying. Step 3 Then a reply of notice is required to be submitted through the consultant along with each and every related and necessary document to the Income Tax Departments. Step 4 The Consultant then would personally visit the Income Tax Departments to follow up the case on behalf of the applicant association. Step 5 Then an Exemption Certificate
Cancel GST Registration
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Cancel GST Registration Cancel GST registration that means the taxpayer will not be registered in GST any more, business is close or turnover is less than the threshold limit. Reason for Cancel GST Registration: There are circumstances where the Cancel GST Registration needs Suo-Moto Cancel GST Registration The registered person has contravened the provision of the act. A person paying tax has not furnished returns for three consecutive tax periods. A registered person has not furnished returns for a continuous period of six months. A person who has taken voluntary registration has not commenced business within six months from the date of registration. Registration has been obtained by means of fraud, willful misstatement or suppression of fact. 2. Voluntary cancel GST Registration by Registered Person/Legal Heirs Business discontinued, transferred, Amalgamated, emerged. Change in constitution of Business. A person is not liable to register. The Cancel GST Registration under this section shall not affect the liability of the person to pay tax and other dues or to discharge any obligation for any period prior to the date of cancellation whether or not such tax and other dues are determined before or after the date of cancellation. Every registered person whose registration is cancelled shall pay an amount, by way of debit in the electronic credit ledger or electronic cash ledger, equivalent to the credit of input tax in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in stock or capital goods or plant and machinery on the day immediately preceding the date of such cancellation or the output tax payable on such goods, whichever is higher. Advantages Of Cancel GST Registration To avoid unnecessary tax liabilities in the future. To avoid fulfilling the compliance of the act. To avoid the frauds. Revocation of Cancel GST Registration: Any registered person, whose registration is canceled by the proper officer on his own motion, may apply to such officer for revocation of cancellation of the registration in the prescribed manner within thirty days from the date of service of the cancellation order. The proper officer may by order, either revoke the cancellation of the registration or reject the application, after giving an opportunity of being heard. Procedure for Cancel GST Registration: A registered person seeking cancellation of registration shall electronically submit the application for cancellation within 30 days of the occurrence of the event requires cancellation. He is required to furnish in the application the details of inputs held in stock, semi-finished/finished goods held in stock and of capital goods held in stock on the date from which cancellation of registration is sought, liabilities and details of the payment if any. How eStartIndia help you in Cancel GST Registration eStartIndia is the best business and legal services platform for services relating Cancel GST Registration, offering a variety of Tax filing services like Income tax returns, PF, TDS, and ESI returns Get a Free Consultation with our Top rated Tax experts with a simple registration. Registration Process eStartIndia will help you in Cancel GST Registration from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Document Collection- eStartIndia Tax experts will collect relevant documents and information from you. Prepare your application- On the basis of documents and information provided, We will prepare cancellation application. Filing your application- when the application is prepared and approved by you, Our Tax experts will submit your GST registration cancellation application to the GST Department with necessary documents and details of the authorized signatory. Generate ARN- Once the application is submitted along with supporting documents, the ARN number would be allotted by the GST department. Our tax experts will track your completion of cancellation with the help of ARN number. Congratulations! Your work is done. Click here to know more about “GST registration For Foreigners” Step 1 Firstly, dully fill in the application, which is required to be submitted towards the exemption section of the Income Tax Department. Step 2 Then the NGO would receive notice for clarifications from the Income Tax Department in 2-3 months after applying. Step 3 Then a reply of notice is required to be submitted through the consultant along with each and every related and necessary document to the Income Tax Departments. Step 4 The Consultant then would personally visit the Income Tax Departments to follow up the case on behalf of the applicant association. Step 5 Then an Exemption Certificate then will be issued. FAQs What happens when the registration is obtained by means of willful misstatement, fraud or suppression of facts? In such cases, the registration may be canceled with retrospective effect by the proper officer What could be the liabilities (in so far as registration is concerned) on transfer of a business? The transferee or the successor shall be liable to be registered with effect from such transfer or succession and he will have to obtain a fresh registration with effect from the date of such transfer or succession Does cancellation of registration impose any tax obligations on the person whose registration is so cancelled? Yes, as per section 29(5) of the CGST Act, every registered taxable person whose registration is cancelled shall pay an amount, by way of debit in the electronic cash ledger, equivalent to the credit of input tax in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in stock or capital goods or plant and machinery on the day immediately preceding the date of such cancellation or the output tax payable on such goods, whichever is higher. Related Services Cancel GST Registration Read More TDS Return 4. ESI Return Read More Income Tax Return Read More GST Filing Read More Load More
TDS Return 4. ESI Return
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More TDS Return TDS Return TDS Return stands for Tax Deducted at Source that means of collecting income tax in India, under the Indian Income Tax Act of 1961. Any company or person making a payment is required to deduct tax at source if the payment above the certain threshold limits. TDS Return has to be deducted at the rates fixed by the tax department. TDS Return is also known as Advance Tax. Who is Deductor? Deductor is a company or person that makes the payment after deducting TDS Who is Deductee? Deductee is a Company or person receiving the payment What is TDS Return? ADeductor has to deposit the TDS to the government and to be filed in the form of a TDS return. The particular nature of TDS deductions has to be filed using different TDS return forms. TDS filed a quarterly basis. TDS Return is deducted on the following nature of payments: Contractor. Salaries. Interest payments by banks. Commission payments. Rent payments. Consultation Fees. Professional Fees. TDS Return Certificate Types of forms: Form 16, Form 16A, Form 16 B, and Form 16 C TDS certificates have to be compelled to be issued by someone deducting TDS Return to the assessee from whose financial gain TDS Return was subtracted whereas creating a payment. Form 16 is issued by the employer to the employee. Under Section 234 E, you’ll pay a fine of Rs. 200/- per day till your TDS Return is filed. You have to pay this for every day of delay until the fine amount is equal to the amount you are supposed to pay as TDS. The penalty for late filing of TDS Return: If the taxpayer above a one-year time limit to file the TDS return or furnishes the wrong details of PAN No. , TDS amount, he/she will need to pay a penalty of maximum Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh. Registration Process How eStartIndia can help you to furnish your TDS Compliances eStartIndia is the best business and legal services platform for services relating to filing of TDS returns, offering a variety of Tax filing services like Income tax returns, PF, TDS, and ESI returns eStartIndia will help you to file your GST returns from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation with our Top rated Tax experts with a simple registration. Registration Process: Document Preparation – eStartIndia Tax experts will collect necessary documents and information for the preparation of TDS returns. Return Preparation – eStartIndia will prepare your returns as per your documents and information provided by you. For Approval – eStartIndia will send you prepared return for your approval. TDS Return filing- After approval from your side, our tax experts file your TDS returns. Step 1 Firstly, dully fill in the application, which is required to be submitted towards the exemption section of the Income Tax Department. Step 2 Then the NGO would receive notice for clarifications from the Income Tax Department in 2-3 months after applying. Step 3 Then a reply of notice is required to be submitted through the consultant along with each and every related and necessary document to the Income Tax Departments. Step 4 The Consultant then would personally visit the Income Tax Departments to follow up the case on behalf of the applicant association. Step 5 Then an Exemption Certificate then will be issued. FAQs How can I apply for GST Registration? You can apply for GST Registration online. For personal assistance, eStartIndia team can help you Click here. What is the threshold limit for GST REGISTRATION? Every supplier shall be liable to be registered under this Act from where he makes a taxable supply of goods or services or both if his aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds twenty lakh rupees For North region or Sikkim, the threshold limit is Ten Lakh rupees Can a person without GST Registration Claim Input Tax credit and collect GST? No, a person without GST Registration neither Claim Input Tax credit and nor collect GST. If a person is operating in different states, with the same PAN number, can he operate with a single registration? No, if a person is operating in different states, with the same PAN number, has to take separate registration for each state. Can a Person having multiple Business verticals in a state obtain separate registration for each business vertical? Yes, a Person having multiple Business verticals in a state may obtain a separate registration for each business vertical, subject to certain conditions. Related Services TDS Return 4. ESI Return Read More Income Tax Return Read More GST Filing Read More 12A and 80G Registration for NGO Read More Load More
Income Tax Return
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More Income Tax Return Income Tax Filing Online Every person has to furnish a return of his total income, if the total income exceeds, the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax. Income Tax Filing Online 100% Online Process Further, in respect of an individual, HUF, Association of Persons, Body of Individuals, Artificial Juridical Person, filing of return of income shall be compulsory if their total income exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax. The citizens of India are required towards filing an Income Tax Return every year if they have a taxable income. The taxpayers, whose income is of more than Rs.2.5 Lakh, will receive a tax rebate. It should be obligatory for a Company or firm to file a return of income in every case. eStartIndia is the best business and legal services platform for services relating to Income Tax Filing Online, offering a variety of Tax filing services like Income Tax Filing Online, PF, TDS, and ESI returns Advantages of Income Tax Filing Online Avoid penalties by filing the ITR Returns and file on time to avoid the late fees. Online verification of ITR through electronic mode, at the convenience of your office or home. Easy Loan approval is only possible if you file the ITR Returns. Required for Visa Processing, ITR Returns copies are required while visa processing. Claim Tax refund, if due by filing the ITR Returns on time. Carry Forward of Losses. ITR can be used as Address proof & Income proof. Who has to file Income Tax Filing Online The citizens of India are required towards filing an income tax return every year if they have a taxable income. The taxpayers, whose income is of more than Rs.2.5 Lakh, will receive a tax rebate. The Income Tax Slab rate AY 2019-20 or FY 2018-19 Income Tax slab for the Financial Year 2018-2019 and Assessment Year 2019-20, for individuals below 60 years of age(General Category) The exemption for non-resident individuals (NRI) For the non-resident individuals (NRI), the exemption limit for them is Rs 2.5 Lakh in a financial year Surcharge and Cess regardless of their age. Surcharge and Cess for Income Tax PayerAlong with the amount of Income Tax calculated based on the above-mentioned tax slab, the taxpayers are liable to pay Surcharge and Cess; If the net income exceeds Rs.50 Lakh up to Rs.1 Crore, a surcharge of 10% of income tax is charged If the net income exceeds Rs.1 Crore, a surcharge of 15% of income tax is charged Health and Education Cess: 4% of Income Tax, which is introduced in the 2018 budget. Standard deduction of Rs. 40,000/- for salaries & pensioners. As per Section 87(A), the taxpayer in India could also avail 100% rebate subjected to a maximum of Rs. 2,500 to the individual whose total income does not surpass Rs. 3.5 Lakh. The new tax calculator for Financial Year 2019-20 [Assessment Year 2020-21] The Standard Deduction from taxable income for a salaried individual is raised from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000. The rebate as per section 87A has risen from Rs 2500 to Rs. 12500 up to the earning of Rs. 5 Lakh, henceforth a the taxpayer with annual income up to Rs. 5 Lakh will get a full rebate in tax. Few key important features of the Income Tax calculator are; Useful for the salaried taxpayers of government and a private company, with every head of Salary which also includes agricultural income. Private company employees could use to perform their Flexi allocation as well as tax planning. The calculation of tax and rebate of agricultural earning to arrive at the annual tax liability Marginal rebate on surcharges where the total income exceeds Rs. 50 Lakh and Rs. 1Crore. Individual Form 16 Part B generation, are helpful for small-size companies. Automated HRA exemption /Section 80GG deduction calculation is dependent on the income and lease payments. Validating the limits Chapter VI a deduction, Housing loan interest set off, and additional surcharge impacts. Surcharge and cess for income Rs 50 Lakh or above A surcharge of 10% is levied on income tax if the total income is between Rs 50 Lakh and Rs 1 Crore A surcharge of 15% is levied on income tax if the total income is over and above Rs 1 Crore. eStartIndia operating in India provides professional tech-based online and legal services to our customers at an affordable cost. eStartIndia helps the clients to simplify the procedures in order to start a business, file tax returns online or any business-related services. We are dedicated to providing quality service to clients in solving legal compliance related to running their business in India. Due Date for Income Tax Filing Online Every Person, who is liable to pay Income Tax, has to file the Return of Income Voluntarily Without waiting for the notice from Assessing Officer. The time limit for filing of the return by an Assessee if his total income exceeds the maximum amount not chargeable to tax shall be as follows: Belated Return Any person who has not filed the return within the time allowed as above may file a belated return at any time before the end of the relevant assessment year or – before the completion of the assessment whichever is earlier. Revised Return An Assessee, who needs to make any amendments, additions or changes as may be found necessary by him, can file a Revised Return of Income. Such a revised return may be filed by the Assessee at any time – before the expiry of the relevant assessment year – before the completion of the assessment whichever is earlier. Late Filing Fee if not filed on time: Where a person, who is required to furnish a return of income, fails to do so within the prescribed time limit under section 139(1), he shall pay, by way of fee, a sum of – Further if not filed on or before the
GST Filing
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More GST Filing Every Registered Taxable person has to file electronically with the Tax authorities, the details of outward supplies of goods or services or both in Form GSTR-1, on or before the 10th day of month, succeeding the Tax period If a supplier exceeds the maximum threshold limit, then he has to first get himself registered under GST. GST means goods and service tax, Goods and Service Tax is considerable indirect tax revolutionize of India, urgent need of Goods and Service Tax for avoiding inconvenience in the tax system of Country. Incorporation of heterogeneous Central and State taxes into a single tax would help alleviate the double taxation, descend, multiplicity of taxes, classification issues, taxable events, and etc, and leading to a common national market. Value Added Tax rates and regulations differ from state to state. On the other hand, GST brings in a uniform tax system across all the states. On 29 March 2017 Goods and Service tax act passed in the parliament, this came in to effect on 1st July 2017. The Goods and Services Tax is a comprehensive, multi-stage, and destination- based tax levied on manufacture, sale, and consumption of goods and services at a national level. In simple words, the goods and services tax is one indirect tax for the entire country. Types of GST Annual Return Filing Normal Taxpayers has to file three returns: GSTR (1): Goods and Services tax return 1, deals with details of outwards supplies paid till 10 of each month. GSTR (2): Goods and Services tax return 2, deals with details of inward supplies paid till 15 of each month. GSTR (3): Goods and Services tax return 3, deals with a monthly return paid till 20 of each month. Other GSTR deals with: GSTR (4): Goods and Service tax return 4 deals with registered under composition scheme, paid till 18th October, January, April, and July. GSTR (5): Goods and Service tax return 5 deals with nonresident taxable persons paid till 20 of every month within 7 days after the expiry of registration. GSTR (6): Goods and Services tax return 6 deals with Input Service Distributors paid till 13 of every month. GSTR (7): Goods and Services tax return 7 deals with authorities deducting tax at sources paid till 10 of every month. GSTR (8): Goods and Service tax return 8 deals with E-Commerce Operators paid till 10 of every month. GSTR (9): Goods and Service tax return deals with registered persons, paid till 31st December of the Next Financial year. GSTR (10): Goods and Service tax return deals with all forms canceled and surrender, again filed within 3 months of date of cancellation order or surrender. GSTR (11): Goods and Service tax return deal with Unique Identity Number recognized by Embassies and UN bodies. Advantages of GST Annual Return Filing Less Compliance. No need to pay multiple taxes. Single tax all over the nation. Higher Threshold limit to get registered under GST. Composition Scheme for Small Businesses. To avoid Penalties and Fees for not filing / late filing. To claim the Input Tax Credit of taxes paid. How eStartIndia can help you to furnish your GST compliances eStartIndia is the best business and legal services platform for services relating to GST Annual Return Filing, offering a variety of Tax filing services like Income tax returns, PF, TDS, and ESI returns eStartIndia will help you to file your GST returns from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation with our Top rated Tax experts with a simple registration. Details required for GST Annual Return Filing GSTIN. Name. Period of Return filing. Aggregate turnover of the Taxpayer. Transaction of outward supplies invoices wise & Consolidated. Transaction of inward supplies. Details debit and credit note issues if any. Registration Process Document Preparation – eStartIndia Tax experts will collect necessary documents and information for the preparation of GST returns. Return Preparation – eStartIndia will prepare your returns as per your documents and information provided by you. For Approval – eStartIndia will send you prepared return for your approval. GST Return filing– After approval from your side, our tax experts file your GST returns. Congratulations! Your work is done. Click here to read more about “TDS Return” Step 1 Firstly, dully fill in the application, which is required to be submitted towards the exemption section of the Income Tax Department. Step 2 Then the NGO would receive notice for clarifications from the Income Tax Department in 2-3 months after applying. Step 3 Then a reply of notice is required to be submitted through the consultant along with each and every related and necessary document to the Income Tax Departments. Step 4 The Consultant then would personally visit the Income Tax Departments to follow up the case on behalf of the applicant association. Step 5 Then an Exemption Certificate then will be issued. FAQs How can I apply for GST Registration? You can apply for GST Registration online. For personal assistance, eStartIndia team can help you Click here. What is the threshold limit for GST REGISTRATION? Every supplier shall be liable to be registered under this Act from where he makes a taxable supply of goods or services or both if his aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds twenty lakh rupees For North region or Sikkim, the threshold limit is Ten Lakh rupees Can a person without GST Registration Claim Input Tax credit and collect GST? No, a person without GST Registration neither Claim Input Tax credit and nor collect GST. If a person is operating in different states, with the same PAN number, can he operate with a single registration? No, if a person is operating in different states, with the same PAN number, has to take separate registration for each state. Can a Person having multiple Business verticals in a state obtain separate registration for each business vertical?
12A and 80G Registration for NGO
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More 12A and 80G Registration for NGO A non-profit organization or non-governmental organization (NGO), a charitable trust or a Section 8 corporation, are qualified to apply for 80G registration as well as getting certification under section 12A. Both the certifications can be applied together and it can also be completed independently. When an NGO requires towards applying for both independently, then, it requires applying for registration u/s 12A, first. Getting 12A certification is a prerequisite towards applying for getting 80G registration as per the Income Tax Act, 1961. What is Registration under Section 12A? Any business association, that isn’t working for profits, for instance, charitable trust, religious association, Section 8 companies or NGO, can claim a full exemption from income tax. The condition is that these are required to be registered under Section 12A. In this way, it is noteworthy for every single NGO, trusts or association for getting registered under Section 12A immediately after incorporation. In the event that an NGO does not obtain 12A Declaration, it must pay income tax government expense on surplus amid the year. Despite whether the NGO Registration is done as a trust, registered as a society or a Section 8 Company, it is required to look for a 12A certification towards availing the tax exemption. Without this, the receipts shall be entitled to normal tax rates and the exemptions accessible would evade. The registration would likewise assist in looking for grants from government or associations abroad. What are the advantages of Registration under Section 12A? Income shall be exempted from taxes. Benefits of taking grants from the Government, Abroad, any additional agencies. Benefits of FCRA Registration. What is Registration under Section 80G? 80G Registration under Section 80G of Income Tax Act provides benefits towards the donor of an NGO. The donor receives monetary benefits in his taxable sum of their earnings. What are the advantages of registration under Section 80G? The donor is qualified for availing deduction from its taxable earnings. Attracts the donor towards making a donation. Document Required for Registration The documents that are required for registration under Section 12A AND 80G are: Form – 10A for registration u/s 12A registration dully filled. Form – 10G for registration u/s 80G registration dully filled. Certificate of Registration and MOA /Trust Deed (two copies – self-attested). NOC from Landlord. Copy of PAN card of NGO. Electricity Bill or House tax Receipt or Water Bill (photocopy). Evidence of welfare activities carried out and Progress Report since inception or last 3 years. Books of Accounts, Balance Sheet and ITR (if any), since inception or last 3years. List of donors together with their address and PAN. List of governing body i.e board of trustees members with their contact details. Deed for verification of Original RC and MOA /Trust. Authority letter in favor of NGO Factory. Any other document/affidavit/undertaking information as may be required by the authorities. We at eStartIndia provide meticulous assistance to the clients incorrectly filing the 12A and 80G Registration for NGO as per the rules. Registration Process eStartIndia is the professional tech-based online and legal services which help the clients to simplify the procedures of 12A and 80G Registration for NGO, implementation, tax concerns and any additional legal compliances and services related to the business in India. Get free Consultation services for any registration with Our Top-skilled Experts. Step 1 Firstly, dully fill in the application, which is required to be submitted towards the exemption section of the Income Tax Department. Step 2 Then the NGO would receive notice for clarifications from the Income Tax Department in 2-3 months after applying. Step 3 Then a reply of notice is required to be submitted through the consultant along with each and every related and necessary document to the Income Tax Departments. Step 4 The Consultant then would personally visit the Income Tax Departments to follow up the case on behalf of the applicant association. Step 5 Then an Exemption Certificate then will be issued. FAQs Where to apply for registration under section A and G of Income Tax Act? Application for registration under section 12A and 80G could be filed before the Commissioner of Income Tax (Exemption) having jurisdiction over the institution. Can both the application under section A and G of Income Tax Act be applied together? Yes, both applications could be applied together or it could be also applied separately. If some organization is willing towards applying both applications separately, the application for registration u/s 12A is required to be applied first. Getting 12A registration is necessary for applying application for registration u/s 80G of Income Tax Act. When an organization can apply for registration under section A and G of Income Tax Act? Application for registration under section 12A and 80G could be applied just after registration of the NGO. What is the timeline for getting registration under section A and G of Income Tax Act? If an application for registration under section 12A and 80G would be applied through NGO factory, it should take 3-4 months. What is the validity period of the registration under section A and G of Income Tax Act? 12A registration: no expiry; 80G registration: 1to 3 years validity Related Services 12A and 80G Registration for NGO Read More PSARA License Read More ISO Certification Read More NGO Registration Read More Load More
PSARA License
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More PSARA License Private security (PSARA) license is required for private security agencies who provide security services under the PSARA Act, 2005. Private Security agencies who provide security services including training of security guards need to be registered under the Private security agencies regulation act, 2005 (PSARA). In 2005, the Parliament took note of the growth of private security agencies and enacted the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 in an effort to regulate the functioning of the same. No person can now operate a security agency without obtaining a license for the same, and a contravention of this stipulation entails a period of imprisonment for up to a year or a fine up to 25,000 rupees, or both. Even if an individual wishes to provide such services abroad, it must do so with the permission of the Controlling Authority, which would look for the Central Government’s approval in such cases. While the Parliament expressed appreciation of such businesses, it also highlighted the issues in their governance – faulty background checks, use of uniforms closely relating to the military, naval, air force or police uniforms, etc., Furthermore, the existence of Multinational security agencies, in the opinion of the Legislature, would need safeguards, which it put in the PSARA. eStartIndia is the best legal and business services platform for services relating to PSARA license registration in India, offering a variety of registration services like Trade License registration, ISO certification, MSME registration, etc. Compulsions: Section 4 of the PSARA Act, 2005 explicitly states that no persons shall engage in the private security agency sector without obtaining a license for the same. Section 20(1) describes the penalties for violation of Section 4, which are – Period of imprisonment up to 1 year. Fine up to Rupees 25,000/-. Or both. Thus, a license under the PSARA Act is absolutely necessary for persons carrying out/intending to carry out business in the Private Security Agency sector. Documents Required For PSARA License Registration In order to obtain a license under the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005, the following documents must be submitted, Application in form Affidavit as per the PSARA Act, outlining – That the person applying is not disqualified under the provisions of Section 6 of the Act. That training will be made available for private security guards, as required under Section 9(2) of the Act. That the conditions under Section 11 of the Act are met. That there are no cases registered with the police against the applicant. Ownership proof for the principal place of business. Logo of the security agency. Identity cards for all employees. Detailed armed licenses. Character verification certificate of the employees. Uniform pattern of the Agency. Certificate of Incorporation, MOA/AOA or Partnership Deed. The precondition for PSARA License Registration Before applying for the PSARA license, the following documentation needs to be done: Allotment of PAN. GST Registration. PF Registration. ESI Registration. Shop & Establishment Registration. Registration under Contractual Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act. Registration Process Registration Process of PSARA License eStartIndia will help you to apply for PSARA License from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for individual needs. Get a Free Consultation with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. Click Here to know more about “NGO Registration” Step 1 Document Preparation – eStartIndia will prepare your application for PSARA License according to details provided by you along with the collection of required documents Step 2 Application submission – eStartIndia will prepare the affidavit in the required format and submit your application for processing along with the necessary documents. Step 3 Once the application is approved and a license is granted by the authority, eStartIndia will share the License with you. FAQs What are the disqualifications for an application?/ Who cannot apply for a license under the PSARA? Section 6 deals with the disqualifications of an applicant. Applicants cannot obtain licenses, if – They have been convicted for an offense in connection with the promotion, formation or management of a company; They have been convicted by a competent court for an offense the prescribed punishment of which is not less than two years; They have links with an organization or association which is banned by any law on account of their activities against public order or national security; They have been dismissed or removed from Government service on grounds of misconduct or moral turpitude; The Company has not been registered in India; The Proprietor of the Company is not Indian; The Majority shareholding is not held by an Indian Can an Indian run a security agency abroad without attracting the provisions of the PSARA Act? No. Section 4 provides that in case an agency wishes to provide security services abroad, it must first obtain permission from the Controlling Authority, which shall consult the Central Government before deciding the same. Who is the Controlling Authority for the PSARA? Every State Government designates an officer of the Joint Secretary Rank in the Home Department or an equivalent officer to serve as the Controlling Authority under the PSARA. What is a Private Security Company? A Private Security Agency is a person, or group of people who are separate from the Government and engaged in the business of providing private security services, including the training of guards/supervisors or providing guards/supervisors to other business undertakings. What are the fees for obtaining a private security license? Section 7(3) outlines the fees to be paid for an application for a license, If the PSA operates in only one district of the State, the fees are Rupees 5000; If the PSA operates in more than one but up to five districts, then the fees are Rupees 10,000; If it operating in the whole state, then the fees are Rupees 25,000; Is there any time stipulation on the Controlling Authority to grant license? Section 7(4) obliges the Controlling Authority to respond to an application (that is either
ISO Certification
Home / Services We help you in creating a strong foundation of your business View More ISO Certification ISO Certification ISO refers to the International Organization for Standardization and enhances the value of your product or service internationally. ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization, and it is an independent international organization that sets different standards for goods/services. While the overarching body sets these standards, implementation and certification depend on local certifying bodies, which conduct audits in order to ensure compliance. Furthermore, while ISO certification remains voluntary for many sectors, some others may see it as a legal requirement, while some stakeholders may include a valid certification as a contractual prerequisite. ISO enhances global standardization for the quality specification for your products, services, materials, information and quality management. It brings more credibility to your products or services that your products or services meet the quality expectations of your customers. Register for our ISO certification package today, and our team of experts will spearhead efforts to get your product/service ISO certified and ensure that you get the least amount of headache from the entire procedure. Sign up now so that you can proudly showcase that your product meets the international standards! eStartIndia is the best legal and business services platform for services relating to ISO certification in India, offering a variety of registration services like Trade License registration, ISO certification, MSME registration, etc. Advantages Of ISO Certification Here are some advantages in getting your product/service ISO certified: The existence of ISO certification boosts business credibility and reputation, proclaiming that the product/service meets international standards. Allows for marketing with the use of the ISO mark, thus boosting customer satisfaction. Documents required for ISO certification There is a different type of ISO certification such as for Quality Management, Risk Management, Environmental Management, Information Security Management, Food Safety management and a lot more. Documents required/Standards differ according to ISO certification. Sign up for our ISO certification service and we will help you to maintain and adhere to the documents and requirements as per the ISO certification you require. Registration Process ISO Certification Procedure eStartIndia will help you to apply for ISO certification from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for individual needs Get a Free Consultation with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration. Step 1 Sign up with us for our ISO Certification service Step 2 Our experts engage you in consultations in order to understand your requirements Step 3 We will help you to choose a registrar that follow CASCO standards. Once you approve, we will draft an application to the ISO auditing agencies and engage them in order to audit & certify your business Step 4 We will help you to form the policy/objectives/plans and comply the same after that ISO auditor verifies if the standards have been followed or not Step 5 Upon a successful audit, we will send the ISO certificate to you via email and also through courier FAQs What is ISO? The ISO Mark certifies, after third-party verification, that your product, service or management system holds up to the standards set by the International Standards of Organization. What is the validity of the ISO? Generally, ISO certificates are valid for 3 years unless any conditions of operation are violated. Why audit is required? An audit is a sine qua non for getting an ISO certification. It is proof that the system you have implemented is fit for purpose. What is the time limit for getting ISO? The time limit for getting ISO certification depends upon the size of the organization and type of certification. However, in any case, it may range between 6 to 15 months. Related Services ISO Certification Read More NGO Registration Read More Shop & Establishment Registration Read More Trade License Read More Load More